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Our Mission: Love God, Love people, point people to Christ!
We love to come alongside students and their families to help them follow Jesus and obey his commands. We are all about multiplying disciples for God’s Kingdom. We want to equip students and their families to have a faith in Christ that multiplies following the      Great Commandment and Great Commission!

(i.e. –Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 12:30-31 and 2 Timothy 2:2)

Your teen's safety is our priority, all of our volunteers and staff that work with kids 0-18 must have a background check and go through an application process to serve with kids. 

Youth Group

  • 7-12th Grade Students meet for youth group on Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm throughout the school year. Starts back up on Wed. Sept. 4

High School Sunday School

  • 9-12th Grade Students meet on Sunday Morning at 9:15am to get in the Word together throughout the school year. Starts back up on Sun. Sept. 8

Jr. High Sunday School

  • 7-8th Grade Students meet on Sunday Mornings at 9:15 during the School year for Biblical foundational truths. Starts back up on Sun. Sept. 8

Student Ministry Calendar

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Tel: 712-443-8283

412 E. 3rd St. 

Meriden, IA 51037


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